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Vallejo Clay offers membership to people who have experience with clay and wish to continue their practice in a studio setting. Members work independently and without supervision, so competency and a comprehensive understanding of the stages of making ceramics, firing and glazing, as well as studio and equipment use is essential.


Membership is a great way to establish a studio practice, access studio equipment and supplies, and connect with other potters as we grow our Vallejo clay community. Our studio is most adapted for individuals who are serious hobbyists and still learning and growing as potters. Vallejo Clay is a small studio and not appropriate for people who are trying to produce a lot of work or solely creating work for sale.


Membership will only be offered to current or former students of Vallejo Clay. We may choose to make an exception for potential members who cannot enroll in a class due to classes being full. All potential members will go through a brief interview process to clarify that our standard of competency can be met.


Membership is $200 monthly, billed on a recurring monthly basis.




  • Access to the studio 7 days a week, 9 AM to 9 PM, except during classes, workshops, or special events.

  • Access to all stock glazes.

  • Access to studio equipment.

  • Dedicated shelf to store work.

  • Inclusion in studio sales, open houses, and exhibits.

  • A 10% discount on workshops and classes for yourself

  • Members may purchase clay from our studio stock.




Members are charged for firing at the following rate:

Bisque firing: $0.08 Per ounce

Glaze firing: $0.10 per ounce


In addition to regular firing rates, larger pieces are charged at the following rate:

8” up to 11” on any side: $2.50

Up to 11"+ -15”: $5.00

Up to 15"+ -17”: $7.50 (subject to approval)




Memberships begin on the first day of the selected month and is billed on a month-to-month basis with a 3-month minimum and a $100 deposit.


The deposit will be refunded within 30 days after the end of membership minus any costs incurred during the last month, i.e. firings. Members are invoiced monthly for firing every time their bill amounts to $10 or more.   After that they are billed at $200 on the first of each month until termination.


Termination: Written notice to terminate your membership for the upcoming month must be given at least 3 days prior to your renewal. 

Early cancellation of a membership that has not met the 3-month minimum will result in the loss of your deposit.


​Any member choosing to end their membership will be added to the studio’s waitlist if they choose to return.  If a member would like to “pause” their membership, they need to terminate their membership and rejoin when ready.





Keeping our community studio clean, tidy, and free of dust is the responsibility of all students and members.  Everyone is expected to clean up after themselves, no matter how small or inconsequential the mess seems. All work areas must be sponged down after use, including the floor which must be mopped when you are finished. We recommend stopping work 20 minutes before you intend to leave so you don’t mistakenly leave something for someone else to clean up. We do not have an on-site studio manager to stay on top of these things, so it is up to all participants to be on top of it themselves. If you do not meet the standard for community cleanliness, your membership will be terminated without notice and your deposit will not be returned. 


It is extremely important that students and members do not bring in outside clays, slips, or glazes without our approval and sign off. This ensures the life of our equipment, and that all of our materials are being fired correctly and are cohesive with each other and that there is no cross contamination.


The studio is a community learning space. We encourage collegiality and conversation among our student members but ask that you also be aware of who else is in the studio and be mindful of how your behavior may impact other’s concentration. Please wear earbuds if you want to listen to music or podcasts. There are no outside visitors, friends or family members allowed in the space outside of open house days.

Members will receive their own shelf for storage of tools, clay, and work-in-progress. Anything that exceeds your area must be taken with you upon each visit.


Members will receive their own key to the studio. Lost keys will incur a $15 lost key fee.




Members may often find themselves in the studio alone if they are coming to work during non-open studio hours. If you do not want to be disturbed, lock the door and put the "Potter at work, do not disturb" sign in the window to discourage interruptions. If you are working at night, close the shades in the front for privacy if it is dark outside.


Always use caution and be aware of your surroundings when leaving the studio at night. Make sure the main studio lights are off, leaving the back light on at all times. Double check that the door is locked.​​


Interested potters may submit an application here:


Please make sure you have read all of the details of membership before turning in your application.

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